Three assassination attempts have been made against Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky in the previous week


Zelensky has dodged three separate assassination attempts. SERGEI SUPINSKY/AFP via Getty Images

The Times reports that three different murder attempts against Ukraine's president have been stopped in the last week.

The report claimed that two teams of assassins were responsible for the three foiled assassination plots, both of which were already connected to Moscow-backed plans to assassinate Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and several senior Ukrainian officials, as well as the mayor of Kyiv, Ukraine's capital city.

According to a top Ukrainian source, Ukraine foiled an assassination attempt against President Zelensky by a Chechen mercenary cell on Tuesday.

Previously, it was believed that hundreds – probably thousands – of mercenaries from the Wagner Group, a private militia run by a Putin friend, had entered Ukraine at the commencement of the invasion to assassinate Zelensky and other Ukrainian government figures.

According to The Times article, anti-war militants within Russia's Federal Security Service informed Ukraine's security apparatus about the assassination plots.

The Wagner Group and the Chechen group sustained casualties during their three successful assassination attempts on Zelensky.

According to a source close to the Wagner Group, the extent to which Ukraine's security agencies were informed was "eerie."

A 36-hour 'hard' curfew imposed on Kyiv – requiring civilians to remain indoors or face arrest – is credited with foiling a Wagner Group assassination attempt last Saturday – the same day the Chechen cell was eliminated before it could carry out its assassination attempt on Zelensky.

Publish : 2022-03-04 19:53:00

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