As tension continues to rise between US and Russia, a US warship enters the Black Sea

(MNA) – A US Navy destroyer has entered the Black Sea as tensions continued to simmer around Russian involvement in Ukraine.

According to a report by Middle East Eye, a US Navy destroyer entered the Black Sea as tensions over Russia's participation in Ukraine remained high.

The USS Laboon entered the Bosphorus on Friday, according to Turkey's Anadolu state news agency, just as US President Joe Biden convened with Western leaders at the G7 summit in the United Kingdom.

Following Russia's takeover of Crimea in 2014, the US regularly sends warships into the Black Sea to reinforce assistance for Ukraine.

In April, the United States informed Turkey that it might send two warships to the Black Sea, as required by the Montreux Convention on passage via the Bosporus and Dardanelles straits, in reaction to a Russian buildup on the Ukraine border.

However, as Russia's soldiers drew back and tensions calmed, the ships were never sent.

Publish : 2021-06-12 21:09:00

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