The Catholic Church must take responsibility on church-run school abuses, Canadian Prime Minister blasts Vatican

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

"As a Catholic, I am deeply disappointed by the position that the Catholic Church has taken, now and over the past many years," Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau blasted The Catholic Church for not taking responsibility for the church-run school abuses.

He made the statement on Friday, that the Church must be taking responsibility for its role in running so-called residential schools for indigenous children after the discovery of the remains of the 215 children at one former school.

"We expect The Church to take up and step up and step up and take responsibility for its role in this," Primeminister Trudeau said in the statement.

The remains of children were discovered. last week, in a former residential school for indigenous children which used once used to be the largest residential school in the country. 

The remains found in Kamloops Indian Residential School, British Columbia, included some children as young as three-year-old. The school had been closed in 1978.

The discovery has reopened the old wounds and is fueling outrage about the lack of information and accountability.

Between 1831 and 1996, Canada's so-called residential school forcibly separated about 150,000 from their homes and family.

These kinds of schools were run by the government and church groups, most of which were Catholics. The so-called aim of these kinds of schools was to assimilate indigenous children.

Many children were subjected to abuse, rape, and malnutrition. A commission in 2015 which was tasked with investigating this kind of school called this a cultural genocide, which was run collectively by the British and the Canadian Government, and The Catholic Church.

It was identified in an investigation that more than 4,100 children had been identified to have died while attending the schools.



Publish : 2021-06-05 15:10:00

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