Diversity Visa (DV-2020) effected due to President Proclamation


United States
via- Pulse Ghana

On Wednesday, April 22, President Trump signed a proclamation suspending entry into the United States of certain immigrants who present a risk to the U.S. Labour market during the economic recovery following the Covid-19 outbreak.

The proclamation was effective at 11.59 pm EDT on Thursday, April 23. It was continued by President Trump   June 22nd and will expire on December 21, 2020, unless continued.

Applicants for immigrants visas covered by the proclamation, including Diversity Visa( DV-2020).

Applicants, who have not been issued on the immigrant visa as of April 23 are subject to the proclamation’s restrictions unless eligible for on exception. There will be no valid visas revoked under his proclamation.


Publish : 2020-07-19 13:37:31

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