Following a "really difficult year," Paris tour operator Marc Vernhet finds a ray of hope in the promised return of visitors from the United States and others, who will be welcome in France as of Wednesday if they have received coronavirus vaccination.
French citizens will be able to enter restaurants and bars starting on Wednesday. On June 30, the nighttime curfew, which began at 11 p.m., will be lifted.
Vernhet called the reopening of France's borders to vaccinated tourists "great news," but said that it will take a few weeks for business to start up, and that "I'm not expecting to work properly before mid-July."
He said, "We've been waiting for this for months and months."
These so-called ‘red’ countries include India and some of its neighbors, Brazil and some of its neighbors, as well as Chili, Bahrain, South Africa, and Turkey. Travelers from these nations, regardless of being vaccinated, should present an essential reason to visit, apart from testing negative for the virus 48 hours before traveling.
India and some of its neighbors, Brazil and some of its neighbors, Chili, Bahrain, South Africa, and Turkey are among the so-called "red" countries. Apart from testing negative for the virus 48 hours before flying, visitors from these countries must provide a compelling cause to come, regardless of whether or not they have been vaccinated.