Amnesty International calls Myanmar to cease persecution of Journalists

Photo by Hkun Lat/Getty Images

Amnesty International, a UK-based INGO that campaigns for Human Rights around the globe, has called for the cease of persecution of journalists in Myanmar by Myanmar's military regime amid the Military coup.

In a statement that was posted on the organization's website on Thursday, Amnesty International said that the Military regime should immediately stop the persecution of Journalists and should drop the charges against Journalists. This includes those in pre-trial detention, on bail, or those with warrants outstanding on them solely for carrying out their work and the peaceful exercise of their human rights, the organization's website reads.

“Journalists are at the frontline of the struggle to expose the truth on what is happening in Myanmar today,” said Emerlynne Gil, Amnesty International’s Deputy Regional Director for Research.
“The brazen violence, intimidation, and harassment the military authorities are leveling at them only illustrates how powerful exposing the truth can be. Individual journalists can be threatened, arrested, or even meet a worse fate, but Myanmar’s free media as a whole can never be silenced.”

“The arrest of Danny Fenster is a reminder of how the media in Myanmar has been targeted for trying to expose the human rights violations committed by the military,” Gill said.

On 24 May, American citizen Danny Fenster became the third foreign journalist arrested and detained since the coup. He was arrested by authorities at Yangon’s Mingalardon Airport while waiting to board a flight to Malaysia. He was reportedly taken to Insein Prison and, as of 25 May, no charges have been made against him. Amnesty International believes that Danny Fenster was arrested for peacefully exercising his human rights. He must be released immediately and unconditionally, the statement read.

Myanmar is currently under the military regime following a military coup on February first. Despite the protests from the people, the military regime continues to suppress those who speak against the regime and brutally kill the protesters.

Publish : 2021-05-27 11:32:00

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