Gender - How it affects our identity?

BL Media ~ English Desk

They turned around noticing the glares of people they walked past. They had been accustomed to getting these stares from people that deemed themselves ‘ordinary’, from people that cursed anyone that decided to be openly ‘different’. They ruefully walked their way thinking, bitterly to themselves about how these solemn lives walking past them every day didn’t dare to question themselves and their words, didn’t realise that the words they rightfully claimed theirs were nothing but chants and incantations slowly fed to them by the same infected minds of the next. 

What struck your heart after reading the above words? What questions formed on your tongue? The above paragraph depicts a person, identifying as non-binary/gender-queer walking down the street, receiving glares from people walking past and the thoughts going on in their head. With the mention of the word ‘non-binary’ or any such terms representing a minority, folk immediately begin questioning their identity and categorising them- away from normal beings. Labelling them takes away their own right of discovering themselves, of discovering who they are, of discovering their characters, traits, hobbies, passions- regardless of the categorised ‘expectations’ so grievously put upon them. 

Men with an aura of sensitivity, who wear their heart on their sleeves are made fun of and told to ‘toughen up’, women who have a strong character are asked to act ‘womanlier’

Such people are unapologetically asked to look ‘less than’ at themselves, just because they don’t fit in the box that this ‘patriarchal society’ has created. People have disregarded themselves subconsciously, so they have been living their lives confined within themselves- too afraid of what or whom they might find themselves to be if they start exploring and ultimately are afraid of being labelled ‘abnormal’

People that have begun to acknowledge this problem tend to keep the blames caged to the society, failing to realise themselves as a part of it. Refusing to speak of it, they are doing nothing but encourage it. I, personally, think people should rather embrace themselves and their uniqueness instead of being afraid of the ‘orthodox social thinking’. 
Traditional gender stereotype gender roles have caused such negative impacts to our society that we’re gradually moving towards heteronormativity, unending patriarchy, slut-shaming, rape culture and homophobia, adding fuel to overall fire of ignorance and metathesiophobia. It’s something we have to address and question for our progress. 

The concept of ‘gender’ should not be thought of as a word that confines people. It should rather be taken as something that helps people explore themselves bringing them close to hope in order to achieve global progressive future. We must make sure that children born forth are not caged to shape themselves as the society wants them to. Gender stereotyping shan’t be a hinder for one to live with one’s ‘right to freedom’ making the globe an acceptable safe place. 

Publish : 2021-01-23 11:40:00

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