During a live interview with journalist smail Saymaz on Friday, Turkish billionaire Sezgin Baran Korkmaz and journalist Veyis Ateş refuted each other's accusations about an alleged 10 million euro bribe.
Ateş was at the studios of the opposition Halk TV, and Korkmaz called in twice throughout the show.
Journalists Sevilay Ylman and Fatih Altayl were the first to bring up the ten million euro bribe, with the former sending a since-deleted tweet and the latter authoring an article. Later on, Ylman published an article.
The infamous mobster Sedat Peker spoke about a luxury hotel owned by Korkmaz where key figures from Turkish politics and the judiciary stayed without charge in the latest of his nine hour-long tell-all videos that he has been releasing since early May, and how he had been notified ahead of time of an investigation that could have resulted in his arrest. Korkmaz subsequently fled the country.
According to statements made public after Peker's video, Ateş allegedly told Korkmaz that he was a member of a clique and that for a payment of ten million euros, the journalist could help the businessman return to Turkey without incurring legal consequences.