Attack on Titan is a famous Japanese animated series (anime) watched by a million of viewers throughout.
The much anticipated episode of the show will finally be premiered in the winter of 2022. It was officially announced that the show shall continue with the 17th episode of the 'Final Season'.
The synopsis of the story goes as: "Over a century ago, mankind was devoured by giant beings of unknown intelligence and origin known as Titans. Creatures that eat humans alive indiscriminately and for no apparent reason. The remaining population has managed to survive the last hundred years only by building a multi-walled city capable of keeping the Titans at bay, training military recruits to patrol the perimeter and gather intelligence about their mysterious foe. Eren and Mikasa have lived a relatively peaceful life behind the city’s walls. But when a massive Titan appears, smashing the outer barrier and unleashing a wave of terror, their lives are brutally changed forever…"
Watch the trailer: